Useful Tips to Help You Make & Run a Smooth Website That Will Attract Potential Clients

In short, a good website is a well-done project to represent your business in both form and function. The site must have a clear goal and be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Technically, it needs to be optimized, stable, and secure.

These are the most basic characteristics of a good website, and in the text below, we will try to list other detailed parts of quality and effective internet strategy when building and developing your websites. Remember that in this day and age, one of the only ways to stay ahead is to keep up with every new change that occurs. 

Website goals

Every site should have a specific purpose, and it should be clear to every site visitor in the first few seconds after opening the site. Does the site sell or only present products? Does your site serve as a catalog or an online store? Is your website a text-based blog or a recipe site? Do you want to entice visitors to subscribe to your online magazine, etc. as easily as possible through your website?

User intent, which practically represents the basic marketing function, is the main theme of your website, and everything on it should be in accordance with it. 

The organizational structure of the site

Good sites have a very clear organizational structure and the main goal of building a quality structure is for the visitor to perform the desired action on the site itself with as few clicks as possible (buy a product, subscribe to the newsletter, make a phone call, activate an online chat application, etc.)

User-friendly navigation speeds up your site, reduces resource consumption, and, what is very important, allows Google, as the largest search engine, to easily and very quickly index the entire site’s content.

Web hosting… what? 

Web hosting is an online service that allows you to publish your website or web application on the Internet. When you sign up for Web hosting services, you have actually rented a place on a physical server that is used to store data and files necessary for the operation of your website.

How does web hosting work?

A server is a computer that works non-stop to keep your site functional and available all the time to anyone who wants to visit it. Your web host is responsible for the operation of the server, its protection against cyber attacks, and the transfer of the content of your site to the user’s browsers.

When you decide to create a website, you need web hosting from a hosting provider who will provide you with space on their servers. Your web host stores all data, assets, and databases on a server. Of course, providers will often offer different packages and services in accordance with the price, as shared hosting can differ depending on the offer. Whenever someone types your domain name in the address bar, the host transfers the necessary data about the requested site from the server, and the site is displayed in the browser of all users, anywhere in the world.

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Therefore, you need to choose a web hosting plan that best meets all your needs. Similar to renting an apartment, there are monthly charges for server operation and maintenance of your site.

Quality content

What will never change, whether on the Internet, in marketing, or in life, is that quality content is the most important feature of your site.

Visitors come to your site looking for something unique and of high quality that will fulfill their (as previously stated) intent. Whether it is a solution to one of their problems, an answer to a question, finding an idea in everyday life, or simply consuming news from a certain area, you need to provide quality and unique content on your site. Furthermore, quality content is closely correlated with attracting new customers and generating more traffic on your website. 

You may not see results overnight, but a strong content marketing strategy is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your site in the long term. In the past, this strategy involved stuffing as many keywords as possible into each piece of text in order to artificially improve search engine rankings. Google opposes this strategy today. While it’s still important to create content that’s well-optimized, Google’s increasingly delicate search algorithms recognize quality. 

Shortcuts, such as keywords, that are meant to outsmart Google’s algorithms and improve page rankings become not only ineffective but can lead to your site being penalized by Google. In addition, if the content is of high quality, it is more likely to be shared, resulting in more backlinks to your site. Backlinks not only bring more organic traffic, but they also contribute to search engine rankings. Organic traffic declines rapidly from there. Improving organic search results through the process of SEO site optimization and creating quality content is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your site.

Website design

Until recently, the design of any site was a very important feature, but given that data shows that more than half of visitors access sites via mobile devices, design features are not a priority when creating a website.

Good design is about solving problems and making those solutions look as good as possible. As web designers, we have to worry about many things besides looking good. We need to consider how the navigation through the site will work, how to ensure easy and clear reading, and how to organize all this information so that it is ready for use by the user.

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During the process of solving the problem, it is already necessary to take care of the appearance of the solution itself, because this is the only way we can create a solution that is very functional and simple, but at the same time attractive. In the end, thanks to this process, we can cause an emotional reaction in the user and, with high functionality, an exceptional user experience.

While many people value the usability of a site over the way it looks, you should never overlook the importance of a good-looking design. Research has shown that emotions can play a key role in the user experience when visiting a website. Websites that have a pleasant visual design and take advantage of advanced Internet technologies will have more satisfied visitors who will later evaluate the site as reliable and easy to use.

The most important thing is that the design must fit into the branding strategy of your company, support the business culture, and complement the content and organizational structure of the site.

Optimize site loading speed

Another factor that not only affects search engine rankings but also greatly affects usability is page loading speed. No one likes to sit and wait for a page to load… One of the most common culprits for slow page loading is image size.

Free tools make it easy to compress images before publishing them on your site. Depending on the platform you’ve built your site on, plugins like Smush for WordPress can retroactively optimize all your images. If your site contains a large number of images, this can significantly improve its performance.

A good site is optimized for mobile devices

As we mentioned in the text, when more than half of your visitors come from mobile devices, it’s time to optimize your site and content for mobile visitors in detail. The volume of searches via mobile devices exceeded searches from desktop computers for the first time. This trend continues, and as mobile devices keep getting faster and more sophisticated, there’s no reason to think it’s going to slow down any time soon. It’s no surprise that Google now considers a site’s mobile-friendliness an important search engine ranking factor.

Also, this is one of the important factors when it comes to ranking content for search engines.

We hope you’ll find it easier to create a well-responding and exceptional website now. Keep in mind that it always takes time and dedication, but the final product will certainly be top-notch.

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