It has been 4 months since NerdLeaks came into the Internet and spread info about videogames and movies. Until now, only six out of seven “leaks” have been confirmedby official announcements:

  1. Pokémon Sun & Moon‘s name and logo (link), one day before announcement, thanks to an early trademark filling.
  2. Monster Hunter Generations title (link), same as Pokémon.
  3. New Avatar Movies Logo (link), with more than one month in advance.
  4. New Volition IP “Agents of Mayhem” (link), which trademark was registered one month before.
  5. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius teaser trailer and website leaked (link). We spotted the domain months before (tweet deleted after attack, but you can see here) and checked everyday, until Square showed us the website and the video before announcement.
  6. Watch Dogs 2 Lead Character (link), thanks to a distracted motion capture actor, who posted the 3d concept.

The seventh one, (Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 developed by Avalanche (link)) was a denied leak, revealing we are human beings who can make mistakes.

With E3 2016 incoming other “leaks” will be confirmed or denied or postponed. Here are all the leaks yet unconfirmed.

  • Halo Platform games (link1 & link2). Very unlikely, it was denied by more than one insider, but some screenshots reveal an indie game for Xbox One with Spartans in it.
  • Next Wolverine Movie title could be “The Death of Logan” (tweet deleted after cracker attack). But this is not E3, of course.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 in development (tweet deleted after cracker attack). It’s clear Rockstar is developing a RDR sequel/prequel, but Rockstar won’t show anything on E3, maybe on July/August we’ll have some announcement.
  • Shadow of Mordor 2 (link). Our leak (Stunt’s resume) wasn’t necessary to know Monolith is developing Shadow of Mordor’s sequel, we think a CGI trailer will be shown at this E3.
  • God of War 4 CGI Trailer with Gorgon & Idra (link). Spotted on veteran animator’s resume. Our thought: 50% of probability.
  • God of War 4 Norse Setting (THE cracker attack). 90% of probability. We had confirmation from insider and Polygon had it too. Concept arts revealed Norse setting and a protagonist (Kratos, according to concepts) with beard.
  • Bluepoint game is working at CP9 project (One Piece?) (link). It could be only speculation, our source (animator’s resume) could refer to something else.
  • Untitled Spiderman Project for PS4 (link). The entire Internet speculate about it, and a lot of our followers asked us for more information everyday, so we say nothing at the moment. We can only wait and hope. The only certainty is that a stunt/actor worked at Untitled Spider-Man project at Sony Playstation motion capture studio.
  • League of Legends Supremacy Logo (link). Very likely, 90%. Riot could be ready to announce this card game.
  • Without Memory concept arts (the game is alive!) (link). Nothing to confirm, the game has already been announced, expect to see something at this E3.
  • Sony working on a western title? (link). It could be. We think it is not the rumored “Dead don’t ride“, because Bend Studio’s game take place in modern times (we found a 3D concept of a sweatshirt made one year ago).
  • Unreleased Star Wars RTS game (link). According to source, the game was cancelled, so we won’t see anything at this E3. Though the footage reveals a cool game.
  • Info about Santa Monica’s cancelled IP (link). Very cool. Futuristic, strange animals (similar to dinosaurs) on a strange planet. We had some concepts. Maybe we’ll publish after E3.
  • Bethesda could announce Prey 2 (link). They updated domain some days ago with redirect to a hidden Facebook page called Prey 2. It could be at E3.
  • CD Projekt will announce Gwent: The Witcher Card Game (link). Very likely. We’ll see it at E3.
  • Devil May Cry 5 (link). Our leak was denied. But, this doesn’t mean Capcom won’t announce a new title.
  • Next Maxis/EA game could titled “Worlds” (link). Made with Unreal 4 & Frostbite, for iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Xbox One.
  • Bethesda updated Dishonored 2 & Quake domain together (link), redirecting to dishonored.com and idsoftware.com. So, they could be preparing quake.com website for E3 announcement.
See also  15 Great Games Like The Sims
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