FIFA 22 – The Best New Features

Every time a new FIFA game is released, the same old criticisms get trotted out against it. “It’s just the same game as last year,” the naysayers cry. “How much better can a football game really get?” The last one is really a veiled compliment; after all, EA is an absolute master of the craft when it comes to creating a comprehensive and realistic football experience, as evidenced by FIFA’s consistently strong sales.

With FIFA 22 on the horizon, many gamers will be wondering what FIFA 22 new features they can look forward to. We’ve collected some of the best new additions EA will be bringing to the beautiful game this year. There’s still a lot we don’t yet know about FIFA 22, but EA has given football fans enough to know that this is going to be a special entry. Here are the best new features coming to FIFA 22 on PS5.


HyperMotion technology

Next-gen platforms – including the PS5 – will be able to take full advantage of what EA is calling “HyperMotion technology”. This is essentially a way to simulate 11v11 games on a large scale, with EA introducing over 4,000 new animations to accurately replicate player movements and game rhythms. Only next-gen consoles will feature this technology, so FIFA 22 is going to look significantly better on PS5 than it does on other consoles.


New goalkeeper AI

FIFA 22 is going to revamp its approach to realistic football gameplay with a slew of new gameplay features and additions. These include rewritten goalkeeper behaviour, which will aim to replicate the real-life decision-making skills of world-class keepers. Goalkeepers will now more reliably stop shots and make decisions about how to move in the net, and the positioning and movement of each keeper will reflect their real-world personality, leading to more verisimilitude.


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True ball physics

If you’ve ever thought the ball in FIFA was behaving in a somewhat suspect manner, then EA has good news for you. The devs have fine-tuned every aspect of ball movement, including – but not limited to – “speed, swerve, air drag, air resistance, ground friction, and rolling friction” in order to create a more realistic sense of where the ball is and what it’s doing. This is all thanks to real-world parameters EA has imported to give FIFA 22 that all-important extra sense of realistic oomph.


Explosive Sprint

The Explosive Sprint mechanic is all-new to FIFA 22. You’ll now have more control over your acceleration when you’re running the ball up the pitch or defending an attack. This will give you a burst of speed when you want it, meaning you can lull opponents into a false sense of security and then burst towards the goal when you want to (or take down an unsuspecting opponent and clear the ball from your half). You’ve got much more control over your options in FIFA 22.


New attacking tactics

FIFA 22 will also boast a brand new set of attacking tactics to employ. EA says you’ll be able to keep the ball in your half and then explode into an unexpected attack, play smoothly from your box to your opponent’s, or “line up in your own unique style”. All of these new systems are designed to give you a greater sense of control when you’re in possession and to give you more options when you’re not. This should make each game feel more like it’s in your hands (or at your feet).


A new Career mode

EA is remaining tight-lipped about exactly what we can expect from FIFA 22’s new overhauled Career mode, but the developer promises that there are more surprises on the way. You’ll be able to create a club and take them to glory, and a revamped Player Career experience will give you more opportunities to “progress, achieve, and immerse yourself” in the virtual world of professional football EA has created. All in all, it sounds like Career mode is going to be much more rewarding this time around.

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New Volta Football additions

Back in FIFA 20, EA introduced Volta, a mode intended to accurately replicate the experience of street football in an authentic way. EA is promising that Volta will be back in a big way in FIFA 22, with new ways to connect with your squad and enjoy the raw experience of authentic street football. Again, we still don’t know too much about what EA has in store for this mode, but given the potential on display, it’s hard not to get excited about the future of Volta.


An Ultimate Team redesign

It’s no secret that FIFA Ultimate Team is one of the most controversial features in the franchise right now. EA says that it’s redesigning elements of Ultimate Team, including Division Rivals and FUT Champions, to make the game “more accessible” to players. The new FUT Heroes feature also sees the return of some of Ultimate Team fans’ favourite players from across the ages, so it seems like Ultimate Team will have plenty to offer for both newcomers and returning fans alike.


New Pro Clubs features

If you love the FIFA Pro Clubs mode, then you’re in luck for FIFA 22. Pro Clubs will have lots more customisation options this time around to help your squad stand out. You’ll also be able to enjoy a brand new player growth system to put some control back in your hands, as well as a streamlined social system that will make it easier for you to find and play games with other FIFA fans. FIFA 22 looks like it’s shaping up to offer the definitive Pro Clubs experience.

There’s lots more to come from EA in the next few weeks as we await more information about FIFA 22. What else do you hope is added in this year’s instalment? Let us know!

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